Yes! I want to build a larger audience.

Studies have reported that there is a gender gap in social media behaviours...

Men feel more confident in expressing their opinions while women are more concerned about how they are perceived by others*.

As a result, even the most brilliant and experienced women leaders struggle to figure out how to use social media to drive business results.

How can you break the mold and show up online in a way that drives business results AND feels authentic to you?

Join us on March 8th at 11AM ET for...

The Million Dollar Social Media Marketing Plan

How To Build A Massive, Engaged Audience on Social Media…WITHOUT Burning Out or “Putting on a show”

At our exclusive Educational Roundtable, The Million Dollar Social Media Marketing Plan, learn from brilliant female founders who have collectively built audiences of over 250K social media followers and driven massive business results in the process.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to create a focused social media marketing plan that can, over time, generate millions in revenue for your business. 
  • The marketing principles you need to understand to navigate the ever-changing world of social media;
  • What mistakes to AVOID while marketing on social media;
  • The approach that trumps "algorithms", "hot tips", and other shortcuts;
  • How to leverage social media without twerking on Instagram, going live 24/7, or otherwise feeling like social media platforms are stealing the best hours of your life.

We'll see you at this FUN, practical, and inspirational learning event for female founders, like you, who want to leverage the power of Social Media in a way that’s authentic to YOU


ELEANOR BEATON, Founder, Safi Media

She has served as a growth & marketing advisor to billion-dollar women CEOs, political leaders, and thousands of emerging women leaders and entrepreneurs. She turns over-worked consultants, coaches, and service providers into confident CEOs who generate massive revenue, reach and impact.

JASMINE PARENT, Founder, I Am Worthy Wellness

Certified Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer, Behaviour Change Specialist, and a Social Worker. Jasmine has built a following of 165K on her Instagram page, @jasminelosing it, and appeared in People Magazine. She’s an expert in building authentic relationships with her audience.

ABBEY WILLIAMS, Founder, Mimosas with Moms

Abbey Williams, MSW, LSW is a behavioral health therapist, the producer and host of the Mimosas with Moms Podcast, content creator of the social media platforms @mimosaswithmoms, Author of “An ABC of Families,” and mother of 4.

I want to learn from these powerhouse women!

Questions? Contact: [email protected]



As Featured On…

I’m the CEO of SafiMedia, the host of the Power + Presence + Position podcast, and the matriarch in a family of men and boys.

I advise women entrepreneurs at all stages of growth. My work focuses on inspiring, teaching and coaching them to build businesses that generate C.I.A — cash, influence and autonomy.

My mother gave up a successful teaching career to raise me and my siblings, a decision that rendered her completely financially dependent on my father. One day, after a disagreement with my father about money my mother told me this:

“Eleanor — money is POWER. Always make your own money.” This brief, powerful moment ignited in me a fire to protect, uphold and advance the economic power of women.

But even more important than my past is my present and future.

The world of business has been dominated by men’s teachings, voices, and contributions. In the sphere of business — as in so many walks of life, women’s voices have been silent.

My life’s work is about reshaping the narrative of “business success”, to be inclusive AND reflective of women’s unique voices, experiences, and approaches to growth.

I believe that when the story of what it means to be successful in business is shaped by a feminine lens, the world becomes a more equitable, sustainable and enjoyable place.

*Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace

Need help or have questions? Contact us:

[email protected]

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