Case Study: Finding Your Niche with Eva Jannotta
A clearly defined and articulated niche and a business that could scale resulted in an exponential increase in revenue for Eva Jannotta.
A clearly defined and articulated niche and a business that could scale resulted in an exponential increase in revenue for Eva Jannotta.
Why the Daily 5 POC (point of contact) is an insanely powerful habit that can generate extraordinary results for your company.
The Myth of Authenticity draws on the expertise and insight from four leading thinkers about how you can cultivate the courage to show up in a culture that demands perfection belonging.
Mikey Musumeci is a slightly-built, bespectacled 26-year-old who looks like a harmless mathlete. But he is in fact a world champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter who can choke hold his opponent to submission in seconds. Much of Mikey’s life is mundane and boring. He wakes up at the same time every day. He eats the same … Continued
This article outlines the key thoughts, insights and experiences taken from a live roundtable about how patriarchy and women in business.
Working capital is critical in financing growth, and women entrepreneurs have disproportionately low access to working capital, despite the fact our businesses are often more profitable than our male-owned counterparts.
January was the single biggest revenue month in Safi Media’s history. This article presents key insights and data defining that success.