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Ramona Shaw Messaging for Conversion

Case Study: Messaging for Conversion

Eleanor Beaton

She also launched a high ticket group offer for managers, which she launched into the B2B market soon after graduating, generating an immediate $18K USD in sales. In May 2022, Ramona published her first book, The Confident and Competent New Manager – How To Rapidly Rise to Success In Your First Leadership Role. 

Ali Smith, Founder of Kanda Yoga

Case Study: Niche Clarity

Carla Sorrell

Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position, Ali Smith has dramatically reduced the time she spends teaching by HALF, from 24 times a week in 2020 to 12 times a week in 2022. Her social media following has almost doubled – one of her recent reels had over 15k views. The scalable offer that she created in PPP has generated over 20K since its launch in April.

Desigining A Business to Scale with Habit Studio

Case Study: Designing a Business to Scale

Carla Sorrell

Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position and The Incubator, Lorrie Rand and Judy Obersi, Co-Founders of Habit Studio, experienced a huge mindset shift towards their business, reporting a 40% annual increase in revenue and securing 1.5 million in signed contracts.

Karen Wilson is the founder of West LA Neuropsychology and ChildNEXUS

Case Study: Amplifying Impact to Help More People

Carla Sorrell

Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position and The Incubator, Karen has seen consistent revenue growth. This May, her private practice’s gross income is up almost 30% from the same time last year. Meanwhile, her net operating income is up 210%. Find out how she did it.

Case Study: Narrowing Focus to Scale Your Business

Eleanor Beaton

Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position and The Incubator, Alison has seen a 20x revenue growth; she’s on track to hit over $2M in annual revenue in 2022.

Case Study: How to Create a $500K Offer

Eleanor Beaton

The scalable offer Moe Carrick designed with Safi Media has generated close to $500K USD in sales in an 18 month period. The company is on track to surpass $1M USD in revenue in 2022. After decades of being the lynchpin of her company, Moe’s business is now truly scalable and capable of running without her.

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