When it comes to taking quantum leaps in growing your business or significantly advancing in your career – it’s not all about the amount of effort, hard work, dedication, or perseverance you provide your business or organization. These things do play a significant role, however it’s not the only thing that your business partners or your organizational leaders consider when it’s time to promote or open your business to new opportunities.
Effort, hard work, dedication, and perseverance can get our foot in the door, but it won’t get you to the front of the line.
So, what is it that can put you at the front of the line for that next promotion or the big speaking opportunity you’ve been dreaming about? In one word – sponsors – powerful, connected people within your organization or industry that can open the doors of opportunity for you.
On today’s episode, I’m going to share with you the difference between a mentor and a sponsor and how connecting with a sponsor can help you make the quantum leaps you desire in your business or career in 2017.
Sponsors are like the ladders in a game of Snakes and Ladders.
Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:
- Research shows that women focus more on connecting with role models than connecting with sponsors.
- What’s the difference between a mentor and a sponsor?
- Sponsors are your allies – not your friend. You work together to help each other advance in your careers.
- How to find a sponsor in your organization or industry to help you advance your business or career.
My Challenge to You:
- Find a sponsor.
- Look beyond your mentors.
- Remember: Sponsorship is earned.
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