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EP261 5 Self-Promotion Fears That Are Holding You Back

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP261 5 Self-Promotion Fears That Are Holding You Back

Many women tend to downplay their achievements. They are worried that their efforts to get out there and own their accomplishments may come across negatively – as if they’re showing off. This worry is only one of the many fears that prevent women from moving forward and from knowing what they are capable of accomplishing.

Today, I’m sharing five self-promotion fears that could be holding you back from your ultimate potential. I’m also sharing how to overcome this fear and how to effectively and confidently promote yourself without sounding conceited and egotistical.


“Focus on the people who will benefit from the success that you create and drive and allow that to be the fuel that allows you to engage in a strategic art of self-promotion.”


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • How downplaying your accomplishments can hurt you
  • Where to begin when overcoming the fear of self-promotion
  • The significance of belonging to an intentional community
  • What the Tall Poppy Syndrome is
  • The inevitability of failure and how to perceive it
  • What Impostor Syndrome is
  • Where to learn to promote yourself strategically


Five Fears of Self-Promotion:

  1. Fear of what your family and friends are going to say
  2. Fear that people won’t like you
  3. “Who does she think she is?” Fear
  4. Fear of commitment
  5. Fear from suffering from Impostor Syndrome


Resources Mentioned:

  • Episode 259: Why Your Fear of Overwork is Killing Your Ambition
  • Episode 260: Why Successful Women Are More Selfish


Fierce Leadership Quotes:

  • “Self-consciousness of any kind inhibits high performance.”
  • “You need to focus on who you are and how you measure your success and accomplishments.”
  • “You cannot outsource approval to other people. You’ve got to retain approval inside yourself.”


Dial Up Your Impact, Influence, and Income in 2018      

Are you ready to take your leadership and influence to the next level in 2018? Join the Impact & Influence Leadership Lab for Women with Eleanor Beaton – the world’s premier leadership training and implementation program designed specifically for female leaders! This is a 8-week mentoring program for professional, ambitious women in business who are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level and truly step into their power. Visit the Leadership Lab for Women website to see all of the amazing content, tools, and services you will receive by registering today to claim your seat at the table!  


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