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EP301 The Big Leap ALL Leaders Must Make

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP301 The Big Leap ALL Leaders Must Make

Being organized and systematic are essential traits to have when you’re starting a career. You are expected to be competent, to adapt, and to deliver. But if you’re about to step up your game as a business leader or professional, you also need to take your skills to the next level to match the challenges that your new leadership role presents.

On this episode, I share the big leap you need to make as you decide to level up — whether it’s a business expansion or a vertical transition of roles in your organization. I identify the things that leaders should be focused on first and foremost and explain how your impulse to complete a to-do list can be detrimental to your new leadership role. I also share the necessary mindset changes that will help you not only to be productive but also head in the right direction.


“Focus on being effective.” – Eleanor Beaton


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • What is the Bottom-Up Approach to time management
  • One of the biggest challenges leaders have as they step into the next level of leadership
  • Why leaders should not be enslaved to their to-do lists
  • How to make the shift from efficiency to effectiveness
  • Prioritizing what’s important versus what’s urgent


Fierce Leadership Quotes:

  • “To-do lists and your addiction to completing a to-do list is going to keep you chained in mediocrity.” – Eleanor Beaton
  • “Take a good hard look at the key things that you want to achieve over the course of the next week, month, quarter, six months, year, 18 months.” – Eleanor Beaton
  • “Think about the major initiatives that you need to be advancing in order to get to where you want to go.” – Eleanor Beaton




Position Yourself in a Category of ONE


Do you want to be recognized as the preeminent expert in your industry, solidify your reputation as an entrepreneur, and begin landing high-end clients? Join me on January 28, 2019, in Toronto, Canada for The Preeminence Strategy Workshop.


You will work directly with me to:


  • Learn the psychology of high-end clients so you can get clear on what you must demonstrate for them to buy from you
  • Learn the 3 Message Pillars you need to focus your marketing on to gain the respect you deserve and solidify your reputation as the top-tier expert in your industry
  • Create a customized, high-level strategy to reposition your business into a Category of One


Are you ready to stand out from the competition? Ready to position yourself in a Category of One? Want to start working with more high-end clients in 2019?


Head over to to register for The Preeminence Strategy Workshop.


Space is limited so claim your ticket today!




Dial-Up Your Impact, Influence, and Income in 2019      

Are you ready to take your leadership and influence to the next level in 2019? Join the Impact & Influence Leadership Lab for Women with Eleanor Beaton – the world’s premier leadership training and implementation program designed specifically for female leaders! This is an 8-week mentoring program for professional, ambitious women in business who are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level and truly step into their power. Visit the Leadership Lab for Women website to see all of the amazing content, tools, and services you will receive by registering today to claim your seat at the table! 


Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing! 


And, if youreally want to ramp up your fierceness…

Reach out to us for a free30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit


Book a 15 minute Growth Audit with a Scale Specialist.
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