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EP439: The 7 Figure Service Business Ecosystem Part 1: What is PPAM?

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP439: The 7 Figure Service Business Ecosystem Part 1: What is PPAM?
Before I had this coaching business, I had a very successful consulting business for over 10 years. It was great, but I eventually reached a point where I needed to shift mindsets, to stop doing the work, and start building an ecosystem. 

So many women CEOs are at the same spot I was before I made the change. You know that if you get sick or don’t show up, your business doesn’t make money. You have no CIA (cash, influence, and autonomy) and you’re spending 25 hours a week just delivering on what you sold.

Today, I’m introducing you to the business structure we recommend in our business accelerator, PPAM. If you want to have more open time, more CIA, and you want to make a bigger impact, then PPAM is the way to go. Using this model will help you achieve 7 figure status with more time for everything.

In today’s episode, part one of a two-part series, I unveil the PPAM model, what it is, how it works, and why it’s so dang effective. This is the heart of what we teach in the business accelerator, so I know giving you this behind-the-scenes peak is going to be super helpful. You’ll learn why you need to create an ecosystem, how PPAM delivers CIA, and how you can lay the foundation for this structure today.

Today on the Power + Presence + Position Podcast:

  • Why I knew it was time to start a new business.
  • What the Premium Priced Ascension Model is.
  • Why it’s important to have at least 30% open time in your schedule.
  • The steps to building your PPAM business.
  • The milestones that signify your PPAM is on the right track.
  • The 3 criteria the PPAM fulfills.

Resources Mentioned:

  • If you liked what you heard in this episode and are intrigued by the PPAM ecosystem, click here to learn about our Business Accelerator where we take this concept to the next level.
  • To receive weekly written gold in your inbox, make sure you sign up for my email newsletter.

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