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EP473: How To Grow Your Wealth In Quantum Leaps with Michelle Bosch

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP473: How To Grow Your Wealth In Quantum Leaps with Michelle Bosch

I’ve been talking a lot on the podcast about feminine energy and the role it plays in wealth creation and business building. For so long, women entrepreneurs have played by the same rules as our male counterparts, unknowingly denying this tremendous power in each of us to lead, manage, and generate wealth. 

My guest today is the epitome of embracing feminine energy and using it to grow a massive 8-figure business. Michelle Bosch is a badass entrepreneur, investor, mom, and proud first generation immigrant. Together with her husband, Michelle created The Land Profit Generator Program to help others grow their generational wealth through land investing.

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Michelle’s entrepreneurial journey started with focusing solely on  KPIs, metrics, and numbers. While she still has a strong ability to analyze numbers in a business, she also shows up with immense compassion. Today, her journey includes making time and space for her intuition, for flow, and for her feminine energy. 

In this episode, Michelle and I talk about the power of shifting from a transactional mindset in business to a more transformational one. Michelle shares her story of immigrating from Honduras and how her late father’s investment paved the way for her career in investing. KPIs are always important, but as you’ll hear today, taking quantum leaps internally is just as important for building wealth.

Today on the Power + Presence + Position Podcast:

  • An example of how harmonious growth can yield the same results as forced growth.
  • 3 quantum leaps Michelle took to build tremendous wealth.
  • How Michelle created and grew her passive income.
  • Why exploring your whys for building wealth is so important.
  • How Michelle describes her relationship with money.
  • Why money has a neutral charge.

Resources Mentioned:

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