Today I am joined by Stacy Tuschl, public speaker, business coach, business owner, investor, and a wife and mom. Stacy launched her dance class business in 2002 at the age of 18 from her parents’ backyard. Her business grew significantly by her junior year at the University of Wisconsin. Over the next 10 years she expanded her business to two locations and generates a healthy seven-figure income. As her business grew, she launched a second online business as a business coach, mentor and speaker. Today, she mentors other business owners on developing business systems to help them scale and grow their business.
On today’s show, she shares her experiences of growing her businesses from the ground up, lessons she has learned throughout the journey, and shares tips to help you avoid making costly mistakes.
Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show:
- What challenges she has faced while growing her businesses.
- What numbers she has made when she launched her online business.
- What her online coaching business model looks like.
- What would she do differently if she could go back to when she was starting her online business.
- What she feels she has wasted money on early in her business.
- What type of tasks does she delegate to her virtual team.
- What was the biggest turning point in her entrepreneurial career.
- What does she consider when making financial decisions.
- How does she measure her business success.
Stacy’s Words of Wisdom:
- Stay focused.
- Have a 90-day goal. Do something everyday to put you closer to achieving your goals.
“Lack of focus in your business is the most common contributing factor to underperformance”
Stacy Tuschl
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- The Virtual Freedom Book by Chris Ducker
Connect with Stacy:
- Text the word “Moneymap” to 24587 to get your Mompreneurs Moneymap by Stacy Tuschl
- Visit
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