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EP67 Explode Your Profits with Dr Monikah Ogando

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP67 Explode Your Profits with Dr Monikah Ogando

I recently shared the stage with one of the most brilliant, inspirational women leadership entrepreneurs, Dr. Monikah Ogando. Dr. Ogando and I shared the stage at the Global Wealth Leaders Live convention in Atlanta, GA, and I was so impressed and inspired by her thoughts, ideas, and presence – I just had to ask her to talk to my fiercely feminine leader tribe.

Dr. Monikah Ogando is the CEO of the firm CEOMastery, an organization dedicated to helping organizational leaders, solopreneurs, and consultants leverage their assets and create explosive growth. On today’s show, she shares her story, her insight, into what she’s currently seeing in the women in business industry, where she believes it is headed, and what traits women are bringing to the tables today that are helping to change the world of work and business. She shares her powerful tips, strategies, and advice for women thought-leaders and female leaders within organizations to help them step into their power, realize their potential, and overcome imposter syndrome in order to pave the path to a successful career or business.


“The journey to entrepreneurship and leadership is one of reinvention. Just because you think you’ve hit rock bottom, it doesn’t mean it’s the final call.” – Dr. Monikah Ogando


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show:

  • Monikah shares her incredible story of how she made one bold move early in her career with a company by not signing an intellectual property agreement form which resulted in helping her launch her successful career.
  • Her top three success strategies that got her on the Inc. 500 list – with only two full-time employees.
  • Three questions she always asks herself after every event, task, or business project.
  • Why it is important to be ruthlessly, brutally honest with yourself.
  • Why you should quantify your value to your client’s bottom line and how doing so can impact your success.
  • Why she feels one of her biggest turning points in her business was “owning her spiritual foundation.”
  • What changes she sees women bringing to the world of work and business that inspires her the most.
  • Some of the biggest challenges she has seen from women in business and where imposter syndrome fits into the mix.
  • What practices she maintains in order to continually perform at a high level.
  • What’s next in her business?


3 Questions Dr. Monikah Always Asks Herself – And You Should, Too:

  • What has worked?
  • What hasn’t worked?
  • What was missing?


Connect with Dr. Monikah Ogando:


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