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EP74 How To Work Less and Earn More

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP74 How To Work Less and Earn More

Today, fierce ones, I’m talking about money. I’m talking about freedom. I’m talking about money and freedom and how money can create more freedom for you beyond merely unknotting time constraints. Money has a way of freeing emotional burdens. What emotional burdens? Money helps you spend more quality time with the people you love. Money helps you achieve your dreams – perhaps you’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii. Money helps you find financial, and emotional, freedom.

That’s why on today’s episode, I want to talk to you about how to work less and earn more.

Let’s dive in!


When we own our worth, claim our value, and hold our power in negotiations, profound things can happen.


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show:

  • Women often work more and earn less because we feel we have to prove our value. We feel we aren’t entitled to ask for more money.
  • Research shows that when it comes to money and time – women don’t negotiate.
  • Too many women put off the internal work we need to do to communicate and negotiate for more money.
  • Women are powerful negotiators – with themselves.


Do you do any of the following?

  • Convince yourself that you need to prove your worth before asking for more money.
  • Tell yourself that you need to be better, achieve more, or that you are lacking experience or skills to ask for more money.
  • Tell yourself that efforts are rewarded.


Two Powerful Negotiating Rules to Always Follow:

  1. Remind yourself that you are 100% enough exactly the way you are.
  2. Stop negotiating with yourself. Now.


My Challenge to You:

  • Completely absorb the two rules of negotiating.
  • Tell yourself “I am enough!”
  • Pay attention to when you are negotiating with yourself.
  • Ask for what you want.


Are you ready to be more courageous, focused and FIERCE this Fall?

Are you interested in stepping into the Fall season with more courage, more focus, more direction and more fierceness? Are you ready to ramp up your business or make more money within your organization?

We’d love to help you!

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