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Case Study: Narrowing Focus to Scale Your Business

Eleanor Beaton
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It was 2020 and Alison Nail Malone had big ambition for her company AND a big problem: she couldn’t focus. 


The Bentonville, Arkansas-based leadership coach had founded her company in 2017 and had been growing it slowly. But she wanted more: more money, more impact and more freedom. However the loss of her father, the onset of the Covid 19 global pandemic, and reality of being a solo-entrepreneur “doing all the things” made it hard for Alison to focus. 


She knew she wanted to grow, but she wasn’t clear HOW to do it. She believed she could generate a lot more revenue with her leadership and executive development coaching. And she also saw an opportunity to make big money and a big impact with a high quality leadership program for women executives. But she was a lone leadership consultant in a sea of competitors and she didn’t know how to position herself to stand out.


“I didn’t want to simply participate in a crowded market. I wanted to lead it. But I was struggling to tell my story. I kept asking myself, ‘how can I communicate what I offer in a way they even care?’”


Alison, 48,  decided to invest in the Power + Presence + Position Business Accelerator (PPP). She wanted to stop trading dollars for hours, create best in class programming, and create a business that could be bigger than her.  At that stage of her business development the investment to join was a big one, but Alison took a leap of faith. “I just knew that no matter what I invested, I’d get it back with interest,” she says. 


She was also concerned she wouldn’t have the time to implement the teachings. “When I invest in things, I want to be all in.”





Within days of joining the program, her concerns had been addressed. Because the PPP program supports founders in creating a lucrative selling system, Alison quickly inked a deal that generated an immediate 3x return on her investment. 


What’s more, Alison found the business growth system and tools taught in PPP were so focused, actionable, practical and no fluff, that implementing them actually gave her more time. 


Over the course of the 8 week program, Alison felt that the Safi Media team didn’t so much “coach” her as partner with her to implement the Preeminent Positioning System into her business. 


The Preeminent Position System is Part 1 of building a Jewel Business Model, a business growth strategy pioneered by Eleanor Beaton and Safi Media to 2x the number of women founders who sustainably scale past $1M in annual revenue by 2030.


In the Preeminent Positioning System — which is taught in the Power + Presence + Position program, established founders focus to scale. They niche down, craft a scalable business model, and develop a powerful message that positions their company in a true Category of One. 


Alison worked with the PPP team to implement the Preeminent Positioning System in her business. She niched down, created and launched a high quality, scalable leadership program, and crafted powerful messaging that deeply resonated with her clientele. 




Alison says the business growth tools, coaching and community offered by Safi Media are the best she’s seen.

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“The curriculum is practical and extremely relevant to my business. I feel that everyone on the Safi team knows exactly what’s going on in my business at all times. The group calls are extremely engaging and valuable – they feel like legitimate business meetings with strategic thought partners – I genuinely look forward to them.”


The program Alison created and launched from PPP has gone on to generate over $50K USD in revenue. The podcast she launched as a result of the focused business messaging she created in PPP built a loyal audience who listened to her teachings, hired her firm, and implemented her consulting. “As a result, my clients were prepared for The Great Resignation before it even had a name.”


The strength of her niche, messaging and market position helped Alison’s consulting practice grow through strong referrals and word of mouth. Today, she sells her leadership and executive development programs to Fortune 100 companies and to more than 300 non-profits, NGOs and mid-sized companies. 


And through the process, Alison re-connected to her focus. “My experience in PPP elevated my ambition and made me a true CEO.” 





Alison went on the join The Incubator, a year-long program where Safi Media partners with founders like her to bring their Jewel Business to life by creating a 7-figure ecosystem. Now in her second year of The Incubator, Alison has amplified the results she created in PPP. She not only has a scalable program, but a truly scalable business model. 


“I’m a creative visionary. Systems are not my strong suit. In the incubator, I learned how to set up my entire business in a way that is deeply intentional, and supports not only revenue growth, but personal growth as well.” 


Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position and The Incubator, Alison has seen a 20x revenue growth; she’s on track to hit over $2M in annual revenue in 2022. “I can’t even believe it when I say the number,” she says. 


She went from a team of one to a core team of 5 and a partnership team of 10. She was named Top 3 Women Owned Businesses by the Bentonville Arkansas Chamber of Commerce. She was also recognized as Most Empowering Leadership Coach for Women by AI International. 


And the best part? She has more open time than she has ever had. The business is so focused, systematized and well-organized that it generates revenue and grows independent of her. And this has allowed her to do what she does best: not just participate in her market, but lead her market. “The process of creating a Jewel Business freed up so much creative space for me to think, write, explore and learn.”


In 2022, Alison became certified and accredited as a death doula. She is now doing pioneering work at the intersection of grief and leadership. Given the far-reaching impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic, and its impact on workers globally, this new dimension of Alison’s work promises to make a meaningful contribution to the field of leadership development globally. 


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