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How I Structure My Arguments and Presentations

Eleanor Beaton

Persuasive communication is a hallmark of effective leadership. If you can’t get people to listen to you, or if you struggle to get at least a few other people to buy in to your ideas, it’s virtually impossible to lead or get results.

In the run of a week, there are multiple situations in which I find myself silently yearning to help someone communicate more persuasively. And the core principle I come back to again and again is to encourage people to stop presenting their ideas as “topics” but rather as a “position.”

A topic is nebulous. A position is clear.

I think of it as giving people something to push against. When I state a position, I’ve presented a firm thought that can be challenged, supported, discussed.

If you are looking for a practical resource to help you communicate better, here’s a Critical Communications Planning Toolkit I created to help you map out your arguments better.

And if you know that communicating better — especially in meetings and presentations, both formal and informal — is something you want to improve, reach out. I have a couple of different programs that can help you with that and I’m happy to talk them over with you.

Finally — as I write this note, we have just 3 SPOTS LEFT left to join me and a group of game-changing women leaders at my exclusive Power + Presence + Position workshop in Toronto Nov 2-4.

We’ll be taking a deep dive into three core (but often overlooked) elements of leadership and teaching you transformative skills on authentic power, compelling presence and strategic positioning in the market.

PLUS, you’ll be building relationships with an outstanding group of leading executives and entrepreneurs from around the world.

Maybe we’ll see you there.

PS. With just 3 more tickets available, NOW is the time to take action. (Feel free to message me if you’re serious about attending but have some questions.)

Stay fierce,


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