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If You’re the Smartest One in the Room…

Eleanor Beaton

Hey Fierce One,

Before the Super Bowl, my friend Cathy posted a photo of Tom Brady on her Instagram feed with a caption wishing him luck.

One of her followers responded with a disparaging comment about Brady, saying that his time was “over.”

Cathy shot back one of my all-time favourite comebacks. “Interesting! What is it about greatness that triggers you so much?”

Mic. Dropped.

A week later, during a webinar in which I was teaching about the importance of owning your authority, one of the participants commented that she felt it was important to make sure to be approachable.

I had a visceral reaction to the comment.

On the one hand, I understand her point…it’s useful to be approachable.

And yet, I often see brilliant women who cloak their authority and greatness under a veneer of approachability and niceness.

I’d argue that for every woman who needs to work on her approachability, there are a dozen who need to work on owning their authority and embracing their greatness.

And a major sign that you’re uncomfortable with your greatness?

You spend time in the wrong rooms with the wrong people. If you routinely find yourself in groups and situations where you’re doing lots of helping, but you’re not being helped, inspired or challenged yourself….then perhaps you need to step into your greatness.

And very often the quickest way to elevate your greatness is to surround yourself with brilliant people.

Next month, I’ll be hosting an intimate group of powerhouse women for a 3-day leadership experience. If you’re ready to build unprecedented confidence, and unlock your highest level of power, presence and potential, now is the time to invest in your ticket for Your Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat.

You’ll be in a room with a cohort of powerful women business leaders who have served as senior executives inside major corporations, are firebrands and innovators in their industries, have built multi-million dollar businesses…

…and they’re approachable too. 🙂

I am unapologetic about the fact that brilliant women need spaces where it’s SAFE to bring the fullness of who they are — brains, presence, accomplishments and soul — without feeling they need to “dumb themselves down” or otherwise hide who they really are.

This is that space, and these are those women.

Why don’t you join us.

Stay fierce,


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