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It’s Already in You

Eleanor Beaton

Well hello Fierce One,

Earlier this week, I spoke to one of my Incubator clients who is on track to dramatically increase her sales this year as a result of two elegant power moves.

The best part is that she’ll accomplish this without really breaking a sweat…that’s what makes them power moves after all.

One of the key transitions she made was switching from a “do it” mindset to an “own it” mindset.

This transition from doer to owner is critical when you’re already successful and you’re poised for the next level of achievement.

“Do it” mindset tells you that the way to achieve greater results is to double down on your workload. The Do it mindset also tells you that, no matter how much you’ve achieved, you’re still not truly worthy — and so you stay on the lonely treadmill otherwise known as proving yourself.

The “own it” mindset understands that leverage is the key to greater success. When you own it, you’re clear that you are 100% worthy of success and luxurious self-care.  In this mindset, you also know that your next level of success will come from leveraging the experience, assets, skills and resources you already have.

It’s a powerful transition to make, and I have seen time and time again how moving from “do it” to “own it” drives results faster and with more grace for women who are truly ready to make the leap.

Next month I’ll be hosting an intimate women’s leadership retreat in Phoenix where I’ll be leading a powerhouse group of women through a deep dive intensive to help them transition from “Doing It” to “Owning It” through cultivating a powerful message and projecting an authentic leadership presence to the world.

We have a handful of spots left. You’ll be working with me and an intimate group of women who have:

  • Built multi-million dollar businesses
  • Served at the c-suite level inside multi-billion dollar corporations
  • White-knuckled their way to the top inside competitive industries,
  • Done it all while staying true to themselves and having a great sense of humour.

You can learn more about the event here and if you’re serious about joining us, but want to hop on the phone to ensure it’s a good fit, just reply to this message.

Stay fierce,


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