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The Case For High End Clients

Eleanor Beaton

Dear Fierce One,

Warning: this is going to be one of the longest posts you’ll ever read from me.


First, because it includes a lot of teaching.

I typically only offer this type of teaching to the six- and seven- figure entrepreneurs I coach privately.

So you’ll gain insight into how to set yourself apart from the competition, attract high end clients and simplify your business (which is what my private clients hire me to help them do).

I’m talking about insight you can use RIGHT NOW.

So reading this letter is – all by itself – a profitable way to start your Saturday morning.

Second, this blog post contains insight that will impact your quality of life and your family’s quality of life in 2019.

To be frank I will show you how the people you attract into your business impact every aspect of your life…and by extension, the lives of the people you love the most.

To continue with the frankness train, this is a blog post about MONEY.

It’s about simply and easily attracting money so that you can build financial security for your family and achieve real independence.

But this post is about more than money alone.

It’s about who you give your time to – and just as important, who you DON’T give your time to – in exchange for that money.

Finally, at the end of this blog post, I’m going to ask you to make an important decision, so you’ll need information to make that decision.

First, I want to tell you a story…

Last year I sat down to review my financials for the previous three years.

I was doing an exercise I recommend to my clients, which is to calculate your most profitable offerings and sell more of those.

As I started poring over the data, I saw one name pop up again and again.

To protect this person’s privacy, I’ll use the name “Elise.”

I did a search under the name “Elise” and discovered something remarkable.

Over a three year period, Elise had invested a total of $44,579 in services from my company.

This was not a corporate client, who might pay that much in a single contract.

This was a soloentrepreneur.

Pretty amazing, right?

But it doesn’t stop there.

When it came to revenue growth (which is one metric we use to measure our clients’ ROI on our consulting), Elise sits in the top 10% of our client base.

Her revenues grew by 150% in the last year alone.

And there’s more. ☺

As I continued to review the stats, I discovered that Elise was also directly responsible for referring an additional $89,994 in additional sales to my company over a two-year period.


The thing is, I truly adore Elise.

She’s smart, decisive and drama-free.

What’s more, she understands and deeply appreciates the impact I make in her life and business.

When you are able to effortlessly attract clients like Elise, you have fewer headaches, your clients get better results and you make a lot more money.

So let’s talk about how YOU can attract powerful, high end clients like Elise THIS MONTH.

You do it by placing yourself in a category of ONE.

When you’re in a category of ONE, you are seen as the ONLY CHOICE.

Think about it. How is it that Elise has referred close to $100K in business to my company over the last two years?

Because she doesn’t refer to anyone else.

There are no alternatives.

There is no competition. There is only ONE choice.

It’s a strategy called preeminence.

It’s simple. It’s profitable. And it works.

Now let me ask you a question.

How will your life and business be different when YOU are in a category of one?

I can tell you the answer, because I’ve not only lived it, I’ve coached others to do it too.

  • You easily land the high-end clients who cement your top-shelf position.
  • You simplify your business and make more money while working less.
  • You effortlessly land highly paid speaking opportunities in front of influential audiences.
  • You finally have the time to write that New York Times bestseller that you KNOW you have inside you.

When you’re in a category of ONE, your revenues are higher, you work less, you’re more creative and you have more time and money for your family.

But more importantly, you attract clients into your business who appreciate you, uplift you and reward you.

Now. I’m about to invite you to an exclusive workshop where I’ll show you exactly how YOU can be in a category of ONE but first I want to share a key teaching about preeminence.

The core of preeminence isn’t your WHY, WHAT or HOW.

It’s all about the WHO.

Choosing WHO gets to benefit from your work (i.e. your target clients), is the single most important decision you make in your business.

Think about it.

What makes a client “high end”?

Previous success….

That resulted in financial means…

That in turn resulted in their ability to pay you (and keep paying you!) top dollar.

What drove their previous success?

High performance and commitment.

This is what so many people miss about working with high end clients.

High end clients aren’t just great for your business because they pay you more…

They are great for your business because they are high performers and therefore get better results by working with you.

And when your clients get great results from working with you, what happens?

Your reputation grows.

You are legitimately recognized as preeminent in your field.

You rise to the top.

And that upward momentum attracts “simplified money”…

What’s simplified money?

The high energy, easily acquired, joyous cash that comes from working with bright, high performing, clients.

This is why, as a small business owner, going high end is THE most logical and lucrative choice.

(And by “high end”, I’m not necessarily talking about “rich people.” I’m talking about high performing individuals and companies who recognize your brilliance and are willing to pay for it.)

Which brings me to that important decision I mentioned earlier.

I’m hosting an exclusive Preeminence Strategy Workshop in Toronto in January. (Heads up: Space is extremely limited and our last two events sold out.

You and I will work face to face to:

  • Break down the psychology of high end clients so you are clear on what you must DEMONSTRATE in order to have them buy from you.
  • Pinpoint the top 3 MESSAGE pillars you MUST focus on in your marketing in order to gain respect and solidify your reputation as THE top tier expert in your industry.
  • Map out a customized, high level strategy to reposition your business in a category on ONE in 2019.
  • Single out the ONE power move you could make to generate more revenue – with fewer headaches – in your business this month.

If you want to:

  • Separate yourself from the competition
  • Land high end clients
  • Attract more of that joyous, high energy cash that makes running your business a true pleasure…

Then you NEED to register for this workshop.

Oh, it also happens to be one of the most affordable ways to work with me this year.

The cost to register is just $297.

When you consider the value of a high end client to your business – which for many of the entrepreneurs I work with ranges anywhere from a low of $5k to upwards of $250K + — the ROI from attending this workshop is a complete no brainer.

So go here now to reserve your ticket.

Stay Fierce,


PS. Time is absolutely of the essence. We had to turn away people from our previous Toronto workshop as it was sold out weeks in advance. Secure your spot now.


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