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The Simple Strategy You Need To Become A Better Presenter (TODAY)

Eleanor Beaton

One of the big questions that I get from the women leaders that I work with is this:

How can I be a better presenter?

Now, there are MANY things that you can do to become a powerful presenter, BUT, there is one specific thing you can do — TODAY — to become a more influential, persuasive communicator in your space.

In this episode, I discuss why having five killer statistics in your back pocket is KEY to becoming a high level communicator in your industry.

What killer stats do YOU use to present powerfully?


Episode Transcript

One of the big questions that I get from the women leaders that we work with and who are in our community, is how can I be a better presenter?

I literally could teach an entire course about how to be a better presenter and a more effective communicator. But here is a really specific thing that you can do today to help you be a more influential, persuasive communicator in your space.

And it is to have in your back pocket five killer statistics.

So when you think about effective communicators who are communicating in particular big ideas, what is it that helps us to trust them? Well, typically there’s a lot of things going on that they’ve mastered, but one of the component skills of really, really effective communication is to have killer stats.

These are specific statistics that back up your central ideas. So you might say something along the lines of just 2% of all venture capital is given to women owned companies or women founded companies, right? That’s a killer stat that goes to really flesh out an argument that women owned companies are underfunded. And I can say that or I can bust out a killer statistic to help back me up.

So the idea is, that whatever field you happen to be working in, in the government sector, in non-profit, as an entrepreneur in the tech space or fintech or whatever, make sure that you are reading widely and that you have in your back pocket, five killer stats that are pertinent to your industry, that are pertinent to the point that you are trying to convey that you have in your back pocket that you can just bring out at will.

It is going to help you convey your mastery of the subject matter, it’s going to help you convey your domain knowledge, and it’s going to really give people the information that they need, the cues that they need, that you are an expert, you know what you’re talking about, you know your stuff and they should be listening up. Good luck with that.

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