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Why carousels are my favourite marketing trend

Eleanor Beaton

Carousels are God’s gift to marketing.

In order to be effective, a carousel needs to express ONE clear idea.

You articulate that idea one simple slide at a time. Their simplicity and focus is what makes carousels so powerful and effective.

I care DEEPLY about simplicity and focus which is why we have become pretty good at carousels.

In fact, I consider them my new hobby.

Some people do sudoku. I write carousels on the Notes app on my iPhone.

Eleanor Beaton creates marketing carousels on her phone

The problem with the vast majority of carousels is they suffer from the kind of cognitive diarrhea so prevalent in today’s society…

In short, the pressure to “show up” has a lot of people making noise and saying nothing.

I.e. spouting out ill-constructed ideas and confusing, undisciplined rants in order to “be present!” and feed the marketing machine, vainly hoping people will pick up what they are putting down.

OR, hiring a marketer and hoping that THEY will be able to magically clean up the CEO’s cloudy thinking with the latest algorithm update or HaWt tAcTic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. Just no. Clarity is top-down friends. No one can clean up your confused thinking other than you. YOU need to be clear in order for others to be clear and therefore use their genius to help you.

Which brings me to the third lesson of building an audience…

3. Money and attention flow to the place of highest clarity.

For each and every piece of content I create EVER, I first force myself to answer this question: “what is the ONE idea I want to convey here?”


Choosing the ONE IDEA you want to convey will help you be much clearer in your content.

And the clearer you are, the easier it will be to build an audience of BUYERS.

*Side note: Cognitive diarrhea is a condition impacting many, many people around the world. You do not need to suffer alone and there is help. If you haven’t taken my free Selling With Story course, then I encourage you to do so. It will show you how to clean up your message…starting with your ONE IDEA.



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