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Women’s Success Stories: Making the Case for Business Case Studies

Carla Sorrell

Do you like to read women’s success stories? We do.


That’s why Safi Media is introducing a series of business case studies. These are long form, in-depth stories about women entrepreneurs. They will take you behind the scenes with women who we know you’ll be able to relate to — interesting, dynamic, successful women entrepreneurs. 

We’re doing this so you can learn exactly WHAT these women did and HOW they did it. We want to help you make the same significant leaps toward a 7-figure business. 


At Safi Media, we coach women in business, working with individuals for an extended period of time. We know that making the right decisions for your business takes time. But we also know that you don’t have a lot of time. 


That’s what we love about case studies. They bring a depth of insight, shining a light on the individual, the choices they made and the challenges they faced to successfully scale their businesses. 



Why We Chose Business Case Studies 



Simple testimonials are not enough to show the work women have invested in making long-term change to their business. Change that allows them to scale and significantly increase their revenue. What’s missing in a testimonial is the context. 


We want you to know the whole story. That’s how we want to learn, and we know that’s how our community has told us they like to learn, through experience. At Safi Media, we’ve been learning from each other for years, bringing together cohorts of successful entrepreneurs to share and solve their challenges together. 


And we’re tired of being told what to do. A one-size-fits-all approach leaves most of us feeling like we don’t fit in. Contemporary culture is full of advice, directions and instructions that aren’t always easy to follow, nor do they leave room for creativity and personalization or flair.


The stories we are going to tell include: who those entrepreneurs are, the unique sector they work in, challenges that they may have faced or be facing in their personal lives, the goals they hold for themselves and their companies, and the impact they want to create in the world.


Business case studies expose the real decisions and dilemmas faced in business; they make it easier to learn and recall learnings; they contextualize a business within the industry and society; and they teach readers how to apply theory in practice. 


In 1921 Harvard Business School started using case studies to teach management. Today they describe the capabilities learned through case studies as meta-skills. Meta-skills are defined as a group of long-lasting abilities that allow someone to learn new things more quickly.

The hope is that in those stories you can see some of yourself, and identify ways to to achieve your own unique set of goals.  



Safi Media Business Case Study with Moe Carrick



Case Studies Versus Testimonials 


A member of our community recently asked a great question about case studies:


“Why would people believe the story you tell instead of a testimony the client put there themselves? Especially in a time when people’s attention is so short?” — M


It comes down to soundbyte vs depth. In its most simplistic form, long-form, properly researched content carries more weight than short-form quotes. This is why Google taught its algorithm to prioritize long-form blogs over short social posts when it comes to SEO, for example. Pages are ranked by their “page authority” (or “domain authority”) based on the perceived reliability of a website’s content. 


At Safi Media, case studies fit in amongst our other long form content, like business advice and documentaries. We’re telling these stories WITH our clients and creating content that is both mutually beneficial and always fact-checked and approved by the subject of the case study. 


Finally, the “no attention span” is an interesting point. This is certainly true at the top of the marketing funnel. But, as people become more familiar with your work, and more curious about buying from you, there is an exponential increase in the attention and time they are willing to devote to your marketing. 


One thing we’ll add: 90% of the testimonials are boring and only marginally effective. Why? They don’t emphasize the correct things, and therefore they don’t contribute to the buying decision – they just add noise. They may be “interesting” but they don’t compel action.




The Resources you Need to Scale your Business


We want Safi Media to be the best place for women entrepreneurs to learn and get the support they need to scale their companies from 6-7 figures. 


Entrepreneurship is nuanced and every woman entrepreneur is different. With so many different capabilities and strengths, there is no single solution or roadmap to success. And as women, we do business differently than men. We make different choices, have different motivations, and our actions are perceived differently, whether we like it or not. 


Over time we want to release different tools, resources, stories and sources of inspiration to help women entrepreneurs see what is possible. We want those resources to provide practical insight about how to scale your company to 7-figures. And we want those resources to reflect the current, contemporary experience of women in business.

That includes up-to-date, practical advice from women who are leaders in their fields. Right now, that starts with case studies. 


Case studies are a great tool because, at their best, they require and reflect a good understanding of A) buyer psychology and B) the particular “buy” triggers around your offers. Those factors dictate what needs to be included, emphasized and underscored. Without these core things, it’s just another article. 


In other words, you need to understand sales and positioning. ESPECIALLY as inflation soars, wallets tighten, and buyers get more discerning about where to spend their money.


Case in Point: Learn From the Best 


It was in her work with Safi Media that 3x cancer survivor Moe Carrick created an offer that generated 500K in sales in an 18 month period. Read every juicy detail about how Moe Carrick removed herself as the lynchpin in her company to create a business capable of running without her. 


In fact, it’s often the success of our clients that gives us inspiration. We were so inspired by Moe’s success that we named a program — The 500K Offer — after her. 


Since joining forces with Safi Media in Power + Presence + Position and The Incubator, Alison Nail Malone has seen a 20x revenue growth; she’s on track to hit over $2M in annual revenue in 2022. Despite the pandemic and the recent loss of her father, Alison focused her energy to scale big time. Read all about her path to scaling her company and scaling back her time. 


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