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Anchored Intelligence with Eleanor Beaton | The Side Effects of Setting Big Goals

The Side Effects of Setting Big Goals

Eleanor Beaton

If you’re a leader or entrepreneur, you’re probably in the practice of setting ambitious goals. Whether you resonate with setting goals you know you can accomplish or tend to shoot for the stars when it comes to your goal-setting style, you likely don’t always meet those goals.

Not hitting your goals is part and parcel of the entrepreneurial experience, especially if you want to become a high-growth leader. While this is a relatively common experience for entrepreneurs, you might be layering extra pain and suffering on top of your perceived failure, when in reality, you’re making major leaps forward just by setting and pursuing these big goals.

Tune in this week to learn the magic of setting big goals, even when you don’t meet them. Eleanor is showing you why setting goals you don’t achieve isn’t a problem and the three main side effects of pursuing big goals.

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Today on Anchored Intelligence:

  • What it means if you set goals that you routinely don’t achieve.
  • How not hitting your goals is part and parcel of the entrepreneurial experience.
  • What hitting goals consistently requires of you.
  • The 3 main side effects of setting and pursuing big goals.
  • What happens when you use hitting goals as the only measure of success. 
  • Why it’s worth your time to set and pursue big goals.

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