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Anchored Intelligence with Eleanor Beaton | 5 Ways Scarcity Shows Up And Sabotages Women Entrepreneurs

5 Ways Scarcity Shows Up And Sabotages Women Entrepreneurs

Eleanor Beaton

Have you ever been in a room with powerful women and started to feel less than? Why does it feel terrible when you see someone else’s success take off? Do you judge, pull away from, or feel the need to compete with other women who have become successful?

While scarcity thinking is a phenomenon that all human beings experience, it manifests uniquely for women and it’s sabotaging your growth. For all that talk about elevating other women, the reality is quite the opposite. Men, on the other hand, seem to have no problem collaborating and partnering with other men for their collective success. So, what’s at play here? And how can you set yourself free from the chains of scarcity thinking?

Listen in this week to hear five ways scarcity uniquely manifests for women and how it sabotages your growth. You’ll learn the overarching beliefs in a patriarchal society that are keeping you mired in scarcity, and what it takes for women to get over their scarcity thinking and truly uplift one another.

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Today on Anchored Intelligence:

  • Why scarcity tends to manifest uniquely in women.
  • How men generally offer help and support to each other compared to women.
  • 5 ways scarcity shows up uniquely for women.
  • The importance of exploring your scarcity thinking.
  • How scarcity thinking sabotages women’s growth.
  • Why scarcity is embedded into the experience of being a woman in business.
  • How collaboration and partnership are vital for success in business.

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