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3 content marketing lessons from my podcast, Part 1

Eleanor Beaton
In a couple of months, I will cross the five hundred episode milestone for the Power + Presence + Position podcast. 

Duuuuude. If my tombstone says ANYTHING it will say “She was consistent.” Actually, that’s what it WILL say because I would not entrust the writing of my tombstone to anyone else. But I digress…

The show has proved to be an extraordinary ASSET for my company, and for me personally. 

I thought I’d share 3 insights I have learned from my career as a podcaster that will help you create stronger content in any format. 

As per usual, I will go deep, so I’ll share my first insight in this post. 

  1. Be clear on your INTENT.

I’m not talking about your big, philosophical Simon Sinek type “WHY”. I am talking about your practical intent. 

In my view, marketing content accomplishes one of three goals:

  • Attracts new people. 
  • Nurtures people who already know you.
  • Converts audience members to become buyers. 

I generally do NOT create content without being extremely clear which of these three aims I’m attempting to fulfill. 

While my podcast has long been a great tool for attracting new people to our ecosystem and is therefore TECHNICALLY a (great!) lead generation tool…

I regard our show primarily as a NURTURE channel. Which is an obnoxious, but accurate, way of saying this:

I make the podcast to serve the audience she already has. (Yep, the podcast is a “she”). 

Everytime I make an episode, I think about whether Cheryl would find it USEFUL. (Cheryl is the name of a former client I love. I use the Cheryl factor as a litmus test for whether my stuff is hitting the mark. In truth, Cheryl graduated years ago, and therefore at this point, I have no idea if the REAL Cheryl loves the content, but my imaginary Cheryl considers PPP to be the BEST PODCAST EVAH because I make it for her.)

If I wanted to use the podcast purely as a lead generation tool, I would shift my content strategy and either 

  1. Make it ENTIRELY interview-based (the biggest shows are interview-based, hello Joe Rogan, Dax Shepherd, Tim Ferriss), or 
  2. Talk exclusively about making millions of dollars with strategies that take two seconds to implement (i.e. sell the dream).

If I wanted to use the podcast purely as a sales conversion tool, I’d only talk about topics related to content I sell and link everything I talk about back to my core offers. Obviously, I do a lot of that because, well, WHY WOULDN’T I, but again, it’s not actually my top priority. 

I am very clear that my podcast exists to deepen my relationship with my listeners. 


The takeaway for you: be EXTREMELY clear about which of the 3 content purposes I outline above your podcast (or blog! Or email! Or Youtube channel!) exists to serve. 

Each of these marketing aims requires slightly different content – the topics, energy, and presentation look different. I don’t have the bandwidth in this email to elucidate further on this, but if you’re a client and want to go deeper, just bring it up on our next call and I will happily wax on this most useful topic. 🙂

In my next post, I’ll outline tip #2, which is….drumroll….NEVER BREAK THE BOND. 

Question – do you listen to the Power + Presence + Position podcast? What do you like MOST about it, and what advice would you have for me to make it even MORE useful to you?


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  3. Check out this post, 11 real life statistics from 1million + downloads of my podcast, from 2019.
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