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EP98 Advice From A Billion Dollar CEO

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton
EP98 Advice From A Billion Dollar CEO

We all strive to be the best fierce feminine leaders in our industries and to help you achieve your goals I’m searching for a coach for our podcast. I want her to be highly focused on the technical aspect of coaching and helping our clients create results. She will impact our clients positively and support our group program so we can offer one-on-one concierge support for our ambitious women in all of our courses.

Many women have a problem in that they overemphasize their particular expertise, whether that’s coaching, copywriting, personal training, or anything else they do as an entrepreneur. Does this sound like you? Do you focus on your skills or your ‘thing’ and find you’re not progressing as you envisioned? Focusing on what you’re great at isn’t a bad thing but relying solely on that aspect is detrimental for you and your business when you’re self-employed. 

On today’s show, I’ll break things down for you so you can get out of your limiting focus, get further ahead at growing your business, and think in a more broader sense about what you’re doing within your company.  


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show



  • I’ll tell you about a range of things that could happen if you limit yourself in your role as a leader in your business.
  • I share a story about an entrepreneur who didn’t have a system in place.
  • I explain what the biggest derailer in your business.
  • I give you advice about growing your
  • I discuss delivery mechanism and how to get your work out there.
  • What does a delivery mechanism look like in the corporate world?

Mentioned in This Episode:


My Challenge to You:

  • Get out of your own way.
  • Focus on a delivery
  • Don’t be so tightly focused on your ‘’
  • Make sure you have a full 360-degree view of your business or organization and play the game from that


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