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How Women Leaders Boss Up

Eleanor Beaton

Hi Fierce One,

My focus this month has been highlighting success strategies of powerhouse women in business.

I released a white paper on the topic, created a podcast series exploring 5 lessons powerhouse women leaders had to unlearn, and hosted a brand new free training webinar, The Boundary Setting Masterclass for Women. (I’ll host another round this week if you want to catch it.)

Here’s a powerhouse woman leader “boss up” strategy I haven’t shared in any of these places.

Powerhouse women don’t dicker, they decide.

They live in an excuse-free zone.

They don’t focus on “positive thinking”, or “law of attraction”, they focused on powerful thinking…in which they (rightfully) see themselves as the author — and star — of their own life stories.

If they want something, and they decide it’s important, THEY TAKE ACTION.

I can typically tell how successful a woman will be in actually accomplishing her goals by the number of excuses that come out of her mouth.

Women leaders boss up by taking ownership of their desires, making a decision and taking action.

It’s a simple process that is (unfortunately) all too often over-complicated by: second-guessing and excuse-making.

So what do you want, Fierce One? Decide…boss UP…go get it.

Stay fierce,


PS. We *officially* opened registration for the Spring 2018 cohort of The Leadership Lab, and we’ve welcomed over 30 fierce women leaders into the program already. (If you’d like to learn more about the program and apply, go here.)

PPS. This week I interviewed the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith for Fierce Feminine Leadership and…20 minutes into our chat Mari realized SHE’S LIVE BROADCASTING OUR CONVERSATION ON HER FACEBOOK PAGE. Her husband rushes into her office to tell her and some massive hilarity ensues. Fun times. 🙂