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Losing alcohol, dropping pounds and feeling terrible (as a business strategy)

Eleanor Beaton

Twenty-two months ago I saw a photo of myself on vacation and I didn’t like what I saw.

I was smiling but not vibrant, had dark circles under my eyes, an expanded mid-section and a glass of wine in my hand. 

For about a year, I did little to address my situation.

I told myself I had “more important things” to worry about.

My historic solution to ill-health — working out harder — made me more exhausted, so that was off the table.

And while I had a sneaking feeling that I was over-drinking red wine and martinis, I was unenthusiastic about my chances of figuring out a post-work decompression method that would be as fast and reliable.

In this week’s podcast, I talk about my experiences with fatigue and entrepreneurial burnout. And I also share specifically what I did to elevate my coping and self-care skills in order to match the growth of my business.

For me, regaining my health has been about releasing things I used to relieve stress — wine, Netflix and social media. Letting go of these things made me feel TERRIBLE in the short term…but have had a massively positive impact on my health and leadership.

I’ll tell you how and why in the podcast episode.

And I also share a conversation with Dr. Jordin Wiggins, who specializes in women’s health and libido. 

(Jordin was a member of our Incubator program for two years and is today recognized as a leading expert in her domain, and featured in major publications like Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire.)

You can listen to my story and our conversation here.
