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Why You Should Obsess Over Your Market Position.

Eleanor Beaton

Your “market position” refers to your relative market share in your niche.

The reason you want to obsess over your market position is because in any industry or niche, the top 3 players get almost all the spoils.

This is why 87% of ALL INTERNET SEARCHES happen on Google. (Google has the #1 market position in online search).

It is why 70% of ALL RIDE SHARING happens on Uber. (Uber has the #1 market position in ride sharing).

It is also why the Fortune 500 companies account for two-thirds of US GDP…

While the remaining 11 million companies duke it out for the rest.

Simply put, every niche has a king or queen. The queen usurps the fattest profits to fill her ever-growing gold coffers….while the minions battle with grimy hands and sweat-stained clothes for every remaining scrap.


This is why the SINGLE TASK that will drive the MOST VALUE for your company in 2021 is to refine your niche and market position.

This is the REAL REASON the riches are in the niches. 

Today you will likely spend 45 minutes surfing Instagram, refreshing email, and crafting social media posts that accomplish very little…

In other words, if you are a normal, human CEO, you will squander time on ticky-ticky things that make no money.

Meanwhile one of the most profitable uses of your time would be to analyze your current market position and see what you can do to narrow or refine it…so that it becomes a category you can own.

The more you “niche down” and focus on a small and lucrative sub-section of your market, the easier it becomes to dominate the top spot. 

When you are the major player in your space, or the “queen of your niche”…

You not only command fatter profits…

But feel gorgeous in the knowledge that you are investing your most precious assets in the few things that make all the difference.

Important: It is almost impossible to determine your unique market position in isolation.

You just can’t read the label from inside the bottle.

Here are 3 resources that can help:

  1. Book a Market Position debrief call with my team. We are very good at pinpointing the ONE THING that will drive the lion’s share of your growth.
  2. Uncover your niche by attending the Niche Up, Cash Down masterclass.
  3. Listen to Podcast Episode 431: The Most Overlooked Aspect of Your 2021 Planning