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Kelly Ruta: Think Your Way Rich

Eleanor Beaton

Are you afraid of making money? Does your subconscious tell you that you aren’t worthy of earning more?

During a recent live workshop inside our private Jewel Business Accelerator community, Kelly Ruta led us through a deeply emotional and transformational journey through identifying and then confronting the mindset and behaviors we make — sometimes without even being aware — that are holding us back from getting rich.

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A few of the prompts that Kelly asked us to explore during this session:

  • Fill in the blank — rich people are __________.
  • What experiences have I had in the past that shaped the money story I believe today?
  • Fill in the blank — I am not ________ enough to get or be rich.

And then she reminded us: powerful business queens do not abandon themselves.

Instead, they remember that they — that WE — are worthy of generating real, sustainable revenue and becoming wealth-building machines. The only thing stopping us from achieving it, and from becoming CEOs with C.I.A (cash, influence and autonomy) is our willingness to think our way rich.

So, are you ready to break the cycle? To bravely join us on our mission to double the number of women-founded businesses that sustainably scale past 7 figures by 2030?

If you’re a coach or consultant doing at least $7500 per month, then you might just be a few best practices away from doubling your revenues and open time. Book a 15 minute Growth Audit with a Safi Media Scale Specialist and we will:

  • Identify what’s possible for you and your business over the next 90 days and beyond
  • Uncover the #1 bottleneck restricting your growth and holding you back from scaling
  • Develop a 3-step action plan that will get you more leads, clients and cash

Kelly Sullivan Ruta, the Founder and CEO of Kelly Ruta International, is a seasoned clinical psychotherapist of two decades who leaped into the coaching world to help entrepreneurs create an ultimate inner operating system for rapid scaling without rapid breakdown.

Kelly believes entrepreneurs are perfectly positioned to create a massive positive impact on the planet. But she also knows that no strategy, plan, or tactic will ever outperform one’s mindset, limiting beliefs, conditioned programs, or habits. She is obsessed with helping entrepreneurs and their teams do deep inner work, including building Emotional Agility as a power skill, while they scale and grow.

Kelly is a hardcore introvert, Starbucks addict, 9 Quickstart, and Enneagram 8. Her soul calls the beach home. When she isn’t working, Kelly is hanging with her ride-or-die besties, has her head in a book or is with her husband and two (mostly grown) sons. 

Follow Kelly on Instagram @kellysruta!