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EP425: Buyer Discipline

Eleanor Beaton

Have you ever noticed how people are always willing to listen to experts, but they only buy from leaders? Experts have a way of complicating things whereas leaders bring a sense of clarity and order. And we all know that the confused mind can’t buy. How do you position yourself as a leader in the … Continued

EP424: Problem Discipline

Eleanor Beaton

Overwhelm is very real. It invades every corner of our lives and businesses, and it truly is the modern-day scourge. Overwhelm robs our time, wreaks havoc on our productivity, and it kills our sales results.  Why do we get overwhelmed in our businesses? Tons of different reasons, but today I’m going to focus on one … Continued

EP423: Full-Frontal Leadership for Women Entrepreneurs

Eleanor Beaton

When it comes to building and leading a company, there are no body doubles. It is all on you. And the more you learn to shed your fear of vulnerability, the more you open yourself up to the full experience that is entrepreneurial leadership.  Knowing that it’s all on you to take risks for your … Continued

EP422: Zone of Genius Discipline

Eleanor Beaton

We received an unprecedented number of emails and messages about last week’s episode, my conversation with Barbara Huson about getting wired for wealth. So many of you were thanking us for that conversation and sharing your thoughts on aiming for wealth instead of riches.  One of the things that really stood out to me in … Continued

EP421: Wired for Wealth with Barbara Huson

Eleanor Beaton

Many of us women entrepreneurs are focused on making money in our businesses. We want to make sales, but are we actually building wealth? Money and wealth are not necessarily the same thing, and my guest today is sharing how powerful it is to rewire your brain to see the difference. Wealth is about attaining … Continued

EP420: How to NOT Suck at Managing People with Kris Plachy

Eleanor Beaton

If you don’t want to just go fast but also go far, then you need to build and manage an amazing, high-performing team. Unfortunately, there is so much BS out there that holds women back from being really excellent leaders who know how to produce business results through a team. Most people want to be … Continued

EP419: How to 10X Your Vision and Your Company with Bill Gallagher

Eleanor Beaton

What do you envision when you picture your company in 10 years? Are you making more money, serving more people, and living a more elevated life? I know many of you think about this, but are only planning how you can grow your business by 50 or 60 percent.  If you really want to grow … Continued

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