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3 content marketing lessons from my podcast, Part 1

Eleanor Beaton

In a couple of months I will cross the five hundred episode milestone for the Power + Presence + Position podcast. The show has proved to be an extraordinary ASSET for my company, and for me personally. Here’s the first of three insights I have learned from my career as a podcaster that will help you create stronger content in any format.

The Pain Audit with Eleanor Beaton

The Pain Audit

Eleanor Beaton

If you want to remain an overworked consultant, keep “managing your time”. But if you are genuinely committed to building a business that delivers Cash, Influence and Autonomy, then you need to stop “managing your time” and instead focus on building the assets that set you free.

“Unlaunching” Secrets

Eleanor Beaton

A few years ago I experimented with a complicated, labour-intensive and energy-draining “program launch” tactic. It was working very well for some people so I figured we’d give it a try. It both worked and didn’t work. Yes, we made sales, but I was personally so burned out at the end of each launch I had to take a break.

Why you need 30 percent open time

Eleanor Beaton

Mastery in business happens when you understand that scaling is about subtraction and then multiplication…always in that order.

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