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EP48 Don’t Tame the Tension

Eleanor Beaton

Have you ever felt that nagging ball of nerves in the pit of your stomach when you want to ask your boss for a raise, but you’re too nervous to actually confront him and ask for it? Or perhaps you’ve thought about talking to a loyal client about increasing your rates, but have put it … Continued

EP47 The Huge Price of My Insecurity

Eleanor Beaton

Last week, I took a vacation to spend time with my amazing husband and two boys. On this vacation, we went to New Mexico to attend my 19-year high school reunion. During my vacation, I have come to learn many valuable lessons about myself – one of which was how much insecurity has impacted my … Continued

EP46 Smart Women Drive Me Crazy When They Do This

Eleanor Beaton

It’s always a good idea to identify potential problems before starting out on something, but it’s not so great if you let them deter you from following through with your plans. Over the last month I’ve had several questions on this topic, all variations on the theme of “If I take this action, will this … Continued

EP45 How to Earn 5 Figures from a Talk

Eleanor Beaton

Speaking engagements are a powerful strategy that many women thought leaders use to help build their businesses and position themselves as the ‘go-to’ expert in their fields. Many women thought leaders have the internal compulsion to get up on stage, share their stories, ideas, insights, and message to a larger audience – but are unsure … Continued

EP44 How to Master Your Emotions with Suzi Petrozzi

Eleanor Beaton

In today’s episode, I am joined by the fabulous Australian-based mentor, speaker, and the expert in Wellness Psychology and Human Potential, Suzi Petrozzi. Suzi has worked with thousands of high-achieving, successful women in business around the globe, helping them overcome obstacles and move past crossroads in their lives and careers that are often developed over … Continued

EP43 – 5 Keys to Standing in Your Power

Eleanor Beaton

Today’s episode was inspired by you – my wonderfully fierce feminine leaders listening to this podcast each week. In a recent survey, you asked me to share more tips on how to build and project confidence as well as overcome fears and obstacles you are dealing with in your career.  Keep Reading >> Ask, and … Continued

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