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EP462: Declutter Your Business And Apply 7 Figure Constraint

Eleanor Beaton

If you’re like me, you’ve enjoyed watching the NBA playoffs this summer and admiring the incredible athletic feats of the players. One thing I’ve noticed is that their amazing feats would not be possible without the game’s constraints: two nets, 10 players, 48 minutes of gameplay. It is inside those constraints that the magic happens, … Continued

Regarding asinine “ideal client” worksheets

Eleanor Beaton

“Ideal Client Avatar” worksheets are the iPod Shuffle of marketing tools. They are outdated, unsophisticated and will do PRECIOUS LITTLE to help you scale your company with a clearly defined niche.

Stiletto sales are declining. Here’s what you need to know.

Eleanor Beaton

When you know and utilize this element of BUYER PSYCHOLOGY to your advantage you make a lot more money, fill your business with clients you’d go to the wall for, and do work that is so original and powerful you become untouchable in your category.

My Half-Year in Review

Eleanor Beaton

I LOVE it when people I respect share details of their “year in review”. So I decided to do an epic “Half-Year in Review” post where you will discover the 20 projects I accomplished in the business in the first half of 2021.

Stop marketing on rented land

Eleanor Beaton

I’m not saying abandon the big platforms altogether. I’m saying…don’t let your livelihood be collateral damage in the Instatok wars. First off, you need an email list — arguably the most valuable marketing asset in any business. Second off, you are going to need to cultivate and project a persona and brand that is way more interesting than the hordes of Instatok finger pointers.

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